package Connectivity; import java.util.ArrayList; import Command.LDrawPart; import Common.Matrix4; import Common.Vector3f; import LDraw.Support.MatrixMath; import LDraw.Support.type.LDrawGridTypeT; public class MatrixItem implements Cloneable, IConnectivity { protected int altitude; protected int occupiedArea; protected int shape; protected int columnIndex; protected int rowIndex; protected Connectivity parent; protected MatrixItem connectedMatrix = null; protected Vector3f currentPos = new Vector3f(); protected Vector3f cachedLocalPos = null; public MatrixItem() { altitude = occupiedArea = shape = 0; this.parent = null; } public MatrixItem(Connectivity parent) { this(); this.parent = parent; } public void parseString(String string) { if (string == null) return; String tokens[] = string.split(":"); if (tokens.length == 0) return; altitude = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]); if (tokens.length == 3) { occupiedArea = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); shape = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); } else if (tokens.length == 2) { occupiedArea = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); shape = 0; } else { occupiedArea = shape = 0; } } public int getAltitude() { return altitude; } public void setAltitude(int altitude) { this.altitude = altitude; } public int getOccupiedArea() { return occupiedArea; } public void setOccupiedArea(int occupiedArea) { this.occupiedArea = occupiedArea; } public int getShape() { return shape; } public void setShape(int shape) { this.shape = shape; } public int getColumnIndex() { return columnIndex; } public void setColumnIndex(int columnIndex) { this.columnIndex = columnIndex; } public int getRowIndex() { return rowIndex; } public void setRowIndex(int rowIndex) { this.rowIndex = rowIndex; } public Connectivity getParent() { return parent; } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { MatrixItem a = (MatrixItem) super.clone(); a.parent = parent; a.currentPos = (Vector3f) currentPos.clone(); return a; } @Override public Direction6T getDirection() { if (parent != null) return parent.getDirection(); // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public void updateConnectivityOrientationInfo() { if (parent == null) return; if (parent.parent == null) return; // update curentPos Vector3f newPos = getCurrentPos(parent.parent.transformationMatrix()); currentPos.set(newPos); } @Override public Vector3f getCurrentPos() { return currentPos; } @Override public ConnectivityTestResultT isConnectable( ArrayList<IConnectivity> connectors) { if (connectors == null) return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; if (connectors.size() == 0) return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; if (connectors.size() == 1) return isConnectable(connectors.get(0)); MatrixItem mergedMatrixItem = null; for (int i = 0; i < connectors.size(); i++) { MatrixItem item = (MatrixItem) connectors.get(i); if (item.getDirection() != getDirection()) continue; if (mergedMatrixItem == null) { try { mergedMatrixItem = (MatrixItem) item.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } mergedMatrixItem.setParent(item.getParent()); } else { mergedMatrixItem.setOccupiedArea(mergedMatrixItem .getOccupiedArea() + item.getOccupiedArea()); if (mergedMatrixItem.getOccupiedArea() > 4) mergedMatrixItem.setOccupiedArea(4); } } if (mergedMatrixItem == null) return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; return isConnectable(mergedMatrixItem); } @Override public ConnectivityTestResultT isConnectable( ArrayList<IConnectivity> connectors, Matrix4 partTransformMatrix) { return isConnectable(connectors); } @Override public ConnectivityTestResultT isConnectable(IConnectivity connector) { if (parent == null) { System.out.println("parent is null"); return ConnectivityTestResultT.False; } if (MatrixItem.class.isInstance(connector) == false) { System.out.println("It is not a MatrixItem"); return ConnectivityTestResultT.False; } MatrixItem matrixItem_Stud = null; MatrixItem matrixItem_Hole = null; if (Stud.class.isInstance(parent)) { // stud to stud check if (Stud.class.isInstance(((MatrixItem) connector).getParent())) return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; matrixItem_Stud = this; matrixItem_Hole = (MatrixItem) connector; } else { // hole to hole check if (Hole.class.isInstance(((MatrixItem) connector).getParent())) { // if (getOccupiedArea() // + ((MatrixItem) connector).getOccupiedArea() > 4) // return ConnectivityTestResultT.False; // else return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } matrixItem_Stud = (MatrixItem) connector; matrixItem_Hole = this; } switch (matrixItem_Stud.getAltitude()) { case 1: switch (matrixItem_Hole.getAltitude()) { case 5: case 7: case 9: case 15: case 17: return ConnectivityTestResultT.True; default: return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } case 0: case 2: case 3: case 9: switch (matrixItem_Hole.getAltitude()) { case 5: case 7: case 9: case 15: case 16: case 17: return ConnectivityTestResultT.True; default: return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } case 18: switch (matrixItem_Hole.getAltitude()) { case 5: case 8: return ConnectivityTestResultT.True; default: return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } case 23: return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; case 29: return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } System.out.println("Unknown MatrixItem"); System.out.println(matrixItem_Stud.getAltitude() + "<stud-hole>" + matrixItem_Hole.getAltitude()); return ConnectivityTestResultT.None; } @Override public ConnectivityTestResultT isConnectable(IConnectivity connector, Matrix4 partTransformMatrix) { ConnectivityTestResultT result = isConnectable(connector); if (result != ConnectivityTestResultT.True) return result; Matrix4 rotationMatrix = getTransformMatrixForConnecting( (MatrixItem) connector, partTransformMatrix); if (rotationMatrix == null) { return ConnectivityTestResultT.False; } if (getCurrentPos(partTransformMatrix).sub( getCurrentPos(rotationMatrix)).length() > 2f) { return ConnectivityTestResultT.False; } return result; } public void setParent(Connectivity conn_copy) { this.parent = conn_copy; } @Override public Direction6T getDirection(Matrix4 partTransformMatrix) { if (parent != null) return parent.getDirection(partTransformMatrix); return null; } @Override public Vector3f getCurrentPos(Matrix4 partTransformMatrix) { Vector3f newPos = cachedLocalPos; if (newPos == null) { newPos = new Vector3f(rowIndex * LDrawGridTypeT.Medium.getXZValue(), 0, -columnIndex * LDrawGridTypeT.Medium.getXZValue()); cachedLocalPos = newPos; } newPos = getTransformMatrix().transformPoint(newPos); newPos = partTransformMatrix.transformPoint(newPos); return newPos; } public float distance(Vector3f testingPos) { Vector3f distance = testingPos.sub(getCurrentPos()); return; } public Matrix4 getTransformMatrixForConnecting(MatrixItem existMatrixItem, Matrix4 initialTransformOfPart) { Connectivity existingConn = existMatrixItem.getParent(); Matrix4 newTransform = getRotationMatrixForConnection(existingConn, initialTransformOfPart); if (newTransform != null) { // newTransform.translate(initialTransformOfPart.element[3][0], // initialTransformOfPart.element[3][1], // initialTransformOfPart.element[3][2]); Vector3f realMatchingPosOfExistingMatrixItem = existMatrixItem .getCurrentPos(); Vector3f realPosOfTestingMatrixItem = getCurrentPos(newTransform); Vector3f newPos = realMatchingPosOfExistingMatrixItem .sub(realPosOfTestingMatrixItem); newTransform.translate(newPos.x, newPos.y, newPos.z); } return newTransform; } public Matrix4 getRotationMatrixForConnection(Connectivity existingConn, Matrix4 initialTransformMatrixOfPart) { Matrix4 newMatrix = new Matrix4(initialTransformMatrixOfPart); newMatrix.element[3][0] = newMatrix.element[3][1] = newMatrix.element[3][2] = 0; LDrawPart existingPart = existingConn.getParent(); Matrix4 existingConnTransformMatrix = Matrix4.multiply( existingConn.getTransformMatrix(), existingPart.transformationMatrix()); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) existingConnTransformMatrix.element[3][i] = 0; Matrix4 testingConnTransformMatrix = Matrix4.multiply( getTransformMatrix(), initialTransformMatrixOfPart); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) testingConnTransformMatrix.element[3][i] = 0; // if (getDirectionVector().equals(existingConn.getDirectionVector()) == // false) // return null; Matrix4 candidate = Matrix4.multiply( Matrix4.inverse(getTransformMatrix()), existingConnTransformMatrix); Direction6T direction6tCandidate = Direction6T .getDirectionOfTransformMatrix(candidate); Direction6T direction6tInitial = Direction6T .getDirectionOfTransformMatrix(initialTransformMatrixOfPart); if (getDirection().getValue() == direction6tCandidate.getValue() || getDirection().getValue() == direction6tInitial.getValue()) if (direction6tCandidate.getValue() != direction6tInitial .getValue()) { // System.out.println(getDirection()); // System.out.println(Direction6T.getDirectionOfTransformMatrix( // candidate).getValue()); // System.out.println(Direction6T.getDirectionOfTransformMatrix( // initialTransformMatrixOfPart).getValue()); // System.out.println("#####################"); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) candidate.element[3][i] = 0; Matrix4 initMatrix = new Matrix4(initialTransformMatrixOfPart); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) initMatrix.element[3][i] = 0; // System.out.println(getCurrentPos(initMatrix)); // System.out.println(getCurrentPos(candidate)); // System.out.println("#####################"); ArrayList<Matrix4> candidateForRotation = new ArrayList<Matrix4>(); candidateForRotation.add(candidate); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { candidate = new Matrix4(candidate); candidate.rotate((float) Math.toRadians(90), existingConn.getDirectionVector()); candidateForRotation.add(candidate); } float posDiff = -1; float posDiff2 = -1; for (Matrix4 matrix : candidateForRotation) { posDiff2 = matrix.getDifferentValueForRotation(initMatrix); if (posDiff < 0) { posDiff = posDiff2; newMatrix = matrix; } else if (posDiff > posDiff2 + 0.2f) { posDiff = posDiff2; newMatrix = matrix; } } return newMatrix; } @Override public Vector3f getDirectionVector() { return getParent().getDirectionVector(); } @Override public Vector3f getDirectionVector(Matrix4 partTransformMatrix) { return getParent().getDirectionVector(partTransformMatrix); } @Override public Matrix4 transformationMatrixOfPart() { return parent.transformationMatrixOfPart(); } @Override public void moveTo(Vector3f moveByInWorld) { updateConnectivityOrientationInfo(); Vector3f diff = getCurrentPos().sub(parent.getCurrentPos()); Vector3f newMoveByInWorld = moveByInWorld.sub(diff); parent.moveTo(newMoveByInWorld); } @Override public void moveBy(Vector3f moveByInWorld) { updateConnectivityOrientationInfo(); Vector3f diff = getCurrentPos().sub(parent.getCurrentPos()); Vector3f newMoveByInWorld = moveByInWorld.sub(diff); parent.moveBy(newMoveByInWorld); } @Override public void rotateBy(float angle, Vector3f roationVector) { parent.rotateBy(angle, roationVector); } public Connectivity getConnectivity() { return parent; } public Matrix4 getTransformMatrix() { return parent.getTransformMatrix(); } public MatrixItem getConnectedConnectivity() { return connectedMatrix; } public void setConnectedConnectivity(IConnectivity connectedMatrix) { this.connectedMatrix = (MatrixItem) connectedMatrix; } }